Fun life with fun friends needed

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LUCKYLUCIA(33) writes:

Hi! So, I am looking for fun friends I can do all sorts of nude and nasty things with. We can be just friends, or romantic partners if we really hit it off and start catching feelings. The friends I have in mind need to have very fun sides to them and don’t mind spending a lot of time with me and on me. I want to get to know them so much that time apart feels like a physical pain or something.

In my spare time I love to paint and draw, plus I can whip up some mean meals that I am told taste of heaven. I spend a lot of time outdoors and nothing beats the feeling of jogging with people I care about in that time of the early morning when it seems the world has been remade anew and all our sins forgiven. I am also attractive and a little on the petite side. Shoot me a message if you are interested.


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