Hail to Freya, Loki and Frigg

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GothWhore(25) writes:

Hello! My name is Freya. I’m pretty, sexy and like being the center of attention. But there hasn’t been a lot of playful and sexy banter in my life recently and that has been mentally affecting me. So, I’m basically looking for witty people to chat with who can mercilessly tease, and flatter me. I don’t want to be praised to the skies and told how good I am, I just want to exchange creative insults and playfully sexy probes with intelligent people of any sex. My likes include games, reality TV shows, cooking and reading and yes, I am a Goth, but don’t always dress like or look like one.

Picture exchanges would be great too, so come to my inbox and get me laughing and tickled in as few words as possible.

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