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MsTaylor(32) writes:

Hi! I am pansexual and have been feeling rather horny lately. I could use someone to talk to about sex and for obvious reasons trans friends would be preferred for this kind of thing. If you are trans and don’t mind me calling at all hours of the day and night to talk about my feelings and how badly I want to fuck you or someone, then reach out and let’s get this show on the road.

Picture sharing would be welcome, but not mandatory and it is okay if you just want to be friends and don’t feel the urge to bend me over a chair and wallop me with your dick. If you want sex in the mix, you should be okay with us both exploring our kinks. When I am not daydreaming about sex I mostly play video games, dance to rock music and watch the most tear-inducing documentaries I can find on the net. Let’s get chatting!

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