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xxxThiccxxx(34) writes:

Hi! Call me Maya. I have a place in Worksop and that is where I spend most of my time, though these days I think I would be happier in a big city like London. Don’t be surprised if you see me there checking out flats and stuff to rent! I am into percussion musical instruments and play a mean drum. I also love to work out, bike and stroll all over the net, looking for who to get a rise out of!

There’s quite a bit of cool people in my life, but I want more and that’s where you come in. The farther away you live the better, as I want to connect with people with experiences and insight to share. In case you haven’t figured it out, all I am asking for is the kind of friendship where we get to talk every day on almost any issue, encourage each other and try to make life fun. Let me know if that is your cup of tea.

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